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Tekst glasi:

Royal Cells Institute

Dear  Sir,

As you already know the aim of Royal Cells Institute  www.musculardystrophy.gr   is to delay the progress of Muscular Dystrophy 

until the Medical Community will finally find a way to cure the disease.

Mean while informs  you  - in case of your interest - with the latest  official results of experiments all over the world

Witth Regards

Royal Cells Institute

Department of Physiology and Pennsylvania Muscle Institute, University of Pennsylvania, A601 Richards Building, 3700 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA, moorwood@mail.med.upenn.edu.

Syncoilin is a member of the intermediate filament protein family, highly expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Syncoilin binds alpha-dystrobrevin, a component of the dystrophin associated protein complex (DAPC) located at the muscle cell membrane, and desmin, a muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, thus providing a link between the DAPC and the muscle intermediate filament network. This link may be important for muscle integrity and force transduction during contraction, a theory that is supported by the reduced force-generating capacity of muscles from syncoilin-null mice. Additionally, syncoilin is found at increased levels in the regenerating muscle fibres of patients with muscular dystrophies and mouse models of muscle disease. Therefore, syncoilin may be important for muscle regeneration in response to injury. The aims of this article are to review current knowledge about syncoilin and to discuss its possible functions in skeletal muscle.

Royal Cells Institute

Dear  Sir,

 As you already know the aim of Royal Cells Institute  www.musculardystrophy.gr   is to delay the progress of Muscular Dystrophy 

until the Medical Community will finally find a way to cure the disease.

 Mean while informs  you  - in case of your interest - with the latest  official results of experiments all over the world

 Witth Regards

Royal Cells Institute

 A deficit of brain dystrophin impairs specific amygdala GABAergic transmission and enhances defensive behaviour in mice.

Sekiguchi M, Zushida K, Yoshida M, Maekawa M, Kamichi S, Yoshida M, Sahara Y, Yuasa S, Takeda S, Wada K.

Department of Degenerative Neurological Diseases, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Centre of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8502, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Saitama 322-0012, Department of Molecular Therapy, Department of Ultrastructure Research and Department of Cell Biology, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8502, Japan.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is accompanied by cognitive deficits and psychiatric symptoms. In the brain, dystrophin, the protein responsible for DMD, is localized to a subset of GABAergic synapses, but its role in brain function has not fully been addressed. Here, we report that defensive behaviour, a response to danger or a threat, is enhanced in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. Mdx mice consistently showed potent defensive freezing responses to a brief restraint that never induced such responses in wild-type mice. Unconditioned and conditioned defensive responses to electrical footshock were also enhanced in mdx mice. No outstanding abnormality was evident in the performances of mdx mice in the elevated plus maze test, suggesting that the anxiety state is not altered in mdx mice. We found that, in mdx mice, dystrophin is expressed in the amygdala, and that, in the basolateral nucleus (BLA), the numbers of GABA(A) receptor alpha2 subunit clusters are reduced. In BLA pyramidal neurons, the frequency of norepinephrine-induced GABAergic inhibitory synaptic currents was reduced markedly in mdx mice. Morpholino oligonucleotide-induced expression of truncated dystrophin in the brains of mdx mice, but not in the muscle, ameliorated the abnormal freezing response to restraint. These results suggest that a deficit of brain dystrophin induces an alteration of amygdala local inhibitory neuronal circuits and enhancement of fear-motivated defensive behaviours in mice.

Zelim da vam saopstim da sam 29 Decembra poceo sa Metabolickom terapijom za Bekerovu misicnu distrofiju.Trajanje terapije je dva meseca pa cu videti da li ima efekta.Evo da vam objasnim sta je to Metabolicka terapija i kako deluje:

Organizam čoveka je, naime, izvanredno izbalansiran sistem miliona metaboličkih procesa. Reakcije razmene materije u medjusobnoj su interakciji na bazi mehanizma samoregulisanja. Očigledno je da poremećaj ili defekt kod bilo koje reakcije dovodi do odredjenih poremećaja i može da bude uzrok bolesti. Takodje je očigledno da je za lečenje takve bolesti neophodno da se deluje upravo na oštećenu metaboličku kariku. Ovo delovanje najbolje se postiže primenom metaboličkih preparata prirodnog porekla. Otuda su svi ti preparati bezopasni, ne izazivaju komplikacije i ne uzrokuju propratne reakcije. S obzirom na to da METABOLIČKA TERAPIJA predvidja precizno patogenetičko delovanje na oštećenu kariku funkcionalno-biohemijskog sistema – primena terapije ne zahteva dugo čekanje na rezultate lečenja.

METABOLIČKI PREPARATI medicinskog centra svrstavaju se u grupu BAD (biološki aktivnih prehrambenih dodataka). Proizvedeni su i ispitani u skladu sa zakonima Ruske Federacije, upisani u savezni registar BAD-ova Ministarstva zdravlja Ruske Federacije. Medicinski centar proizvodi 27 autorizovanih METABOLIČKIH PREPARATA. Svaki od njih ima svoj specifični značaj i primenjuje se za otklanjanje odredjenog simptoma bolesti. U medicinskoj praksi, medjutim, najčešće se susreće čitav simptomatski kompleks zbog kojeg moraju da se primenjuju posebne šeme lečenja u koje je uključeno nekoliko lekovitih preparata.

METABOLICKA TERAPIJA se primenjuje kod sledecih bolesti nervno-misicnog sistema:

1.Urodjene strukturne miopatije i distrofije
2.Progresivne mišićne distrofije (Dišena, Bekkera, Emeri-Drajfusa, Landuzi-Džerina)
3.Spinalne mišićne atrofije (spinalna amiotrofija Verdinga-Hoffmana, Kugelberga-Velandera i dr.)
4.Nasledne motosenzorne neuropatije (polineuropatija, Russi-Levi, prirodna amiotrofija Šarko-Mari i dr.)

Pošto imam devojčicu koja boluje od kongenitalne mišićne distrofije zanima me gde se vrši to metaboličko lečenje? Koji je tok svega toga? Da li si primetio neko poboljšanje nakon uzimanja tih lekova? Jel to negde kod nas ili u inostranstvu? Imam sto pitanja, molim te javi se!

 Do sada nisam cula ni za kakav lijek niti preparat koji bi lijecio ili usporavao distrofiju!  ovo je za mene novost!
ACO, sve pojedinosti na vidjelo....koliko taj tretman kosta? Moze li se to kupiti u Srbiji ili C.Gori?

Dva meseca sam koristio metabolicku terapiju i nije do sada bilo poboljsanja osim sto se cirkulacija poboljsala.Kazu doktori da bih trebao da nastavim ali je mnogo skupo a ja sam i pomalo skeptican povodom svega toga...Javicu vam ako bude poboljsanja jer ne bih da bezveze potrosite vreme i novac u slucaju da ne deluje.Pozdrav i sve najbolje!


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